Herby cod with roasted cherry tomatoes and Puy lentils
A great dinner for the family, quick and easy to make and full of flavours. 300g cherry tomatoes one small handful of thyme leaves 5 tbsp...
A great dinner for the family, quick and easy to make and full of flavours. 300g cherry tomatoes one small handful of thyme leaves 5 tbsp...
An appetizing recipe that is ideal for a quick weekday meal with the family. 2 medium heads cauliflower cut into florets Salt and pepper...
400g flour 4 eggs 1l whole milk 1 teaspoon salt 50g melted butter Put the flour in a bowl with the salt Make a well in the middle and...
Ingredients: for 1 litre of soup • 500 g of peas • 85 g of fresh goat cheese • 11 cl of liquid cream • a few mint leaves • 750 g of...
Ingrédients: pour 1 litre de soupe • 500 g de petit pois • 85 g de chèvre frais • 11 cl de crème liquide • qques feuilles de menthe • 750...
Ingredients: for 16 biscuits - 2 egg yolks • 80 g of sugar • 80 g of salted butter • 140 g of flour • 6 g of baking powder • 2 sachets of...
Ingrédients: pour 16 palets - 2 jaunes d'œufs • 80 g de sucre • 80 g de beurre demi-sel • 140 g de farine • 6 g de levure (1/2 sachet) •...
Ingrédients: pour 4 personnes - 2 aubergines - 1 citron - 1 oignon rouge - 2 gousses d'ail - 60g de pistaches - 1 cuillère à soupe de Ras...
A fragrant tagine with aubergines, aromatic spices and a lovely pistachios couscous.